Physiotherapy is an incredibly transformative process for all ages

 Our Physiotherapists work holistically with our members to improve their range of movement.
Whether you’ve been affected by injury, disability or illness, we’ll help you reach your personal movement potential, dramatically improving your overall health and wellbeing.

At X-Club, we have a unique approach with Therapists supporting you in studio through every step of the programme. With a Physio pack, you will also have access to internal referrals through our team of expert health and wellness professionals. You’ll be able to access further training and support through massage, mind therapies, Pilates and Personal Training - all under one roof!


Carolyn has over 20 years experience working as a Physiotherapist and Pilates Clinical Specialist both in the NHS, Rambert Dance Company, Central School of Ballet and private practices. Carolyn believes that everyone can benefit from Pilates and that it is an investment in our health, improving the way we move and preventing pain and injuries.

She has experience of working with a wide range of clients and is focused on a holistic, functional treatment plan tailored to the needs of the individual. She helps clients understand and manage pain, achieve freedom of movement and feel better.


Cerys is a Physiotherapist and Reformer Pilates Instructor with a strong passion for promoting women’s and pelvic health.

Cerys delivers classes, Massage & Physiotherapy here at X-Club and can't wait to help you move and feel better.